Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mindful Holiday Shopping

The world is on fast forward and I figured I should write about the Holidays. I mean to include holidays where there is shopping for others. I personally only am aware of Hanukkah and Christmas, that is my knowledge base.

The season of giving where most people great debt for themselves. So what do I say?  "stop!"

Those of us raised in the United States,  are raised to believe that we must GIVE during this season.
 " It is better to give than to receive." That is all good and that goes for charity organizations. The end of year is when folks look for a tax deduction and look for charities that they want to help. Does that sound cold? That folks look for tax deductions, well it's a reality.

My focus today is really on the consumer, the average person and their outlook on the holiday.
Global warming and the environment are a controversial issue but the reality is there is a lot of plastic and a lot of waste and it gets to be too much. Again, it's controversial but let's look at storage units and how many people have things in storage, paying several thousands of dollars a year directly being deducted from an account or credit card, because we pay but we don't want to know how much. Too painful!

Every event , from kids birthday parties on up has bags of "goodies" most not that good and we take stuff out of the bag and say " what do I do with this?!" " Ugh, more crap"

We have several different type of "dollar stores " that sell things we truly don't need. Let's think of the square footage that is taking up. We don't need more stuff!

So then comes Christmas and Hanukkah. Many are socialized to believe that they have to give a gift that " says something" - meaning, the person getting it will " know they are respected, loved," fill in the blank.

So we stress ourselves, fight each other at the mall parking lot, and create general unhappiness in order to celebrate a holiday that we end up forgetting what we are celebrating.

Hint, hint:  you don't have to go broke, you can give a cute gift. You don't have to buy the car like the commercial tells you to. No need for the expensive jewelry. Instead, spend time with people. Remember these people during the year not just in December. Best advice, enjoy the season with people who's company you enjoy. You don't have to buy a bunch of " stocking stuffers" that will eventually stuff an old drawer at some one's house.

Relax, enjoy, take time off and relax as you enter 2020.

Thanks for reading. You can also find me on Facebook: Libia Casas, LCSW
and Instagram PsychLibiaLCSW.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Hello everyone!

It's nice to be here to write. I have had this blog since 2009 and it has gone through peaks and valleys.  Paying Google to have the name and then having issues with payment and Google is not easy to assess. Sometimes we want to talk to a person! Not just emails - one time having been speaking to people that wanted payment in "gift cards" - Like No!

So here I am for now. But I digress

It's the end of the year. Sure it's only November 18th but people are decorating for Christmas- someone made a left turn in front of me and they were carrying a Christmas tree on top of their car two days ago!

Yes, we have Thanksgiving to celebrate. This holiday is becoming as divided as this country! The connection between the holiday, colonialism , birthrights and citizenship. Religious people discuss the "thanksgiving " part of it. Members of "interesting families" cope with the fact they will have to see Aunt/Uncle XXX, Tio/TiaXXXX and possibly defend anything from their right to be single, gay, childless, Democrat or Republican.

Let's set boundaries for the holiday. Rules!
Yes, sounds dry and not very lovely with  music in the background but if any of the above affects you, I say you discuss rules and boundaries prior to meeting up with the family.
What is it? "An ounce of prevention...….."
Whatever it is , you may want to plan accordingly for the holiday. Not just what you are eating but what topics are permissible and which are not.

For those with major changes, try to inject a new tradition in the holiday. Focus on enjoying the moment. Those toxic relatives, you are not going to change them, try "ignoring" for one day. Not advocating here for "codependency" but all battles are not worth fighting. Do it for yourself.
Have a great Thanksgiving and thank you for reading.
You can also follow me on Facebook at Libia Casas, LCSW and on Instagram at Psychlibialcsw.