Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year 2014

Oh, the pressure. Last day of the year. If you listen to radio, TV or open Facebook, there is mention that tomorrow you start with a clean slate. Oh, the pressure for perfection, for change , for happiness. Don't let all the hoopla get to you. You may decide you want to make changes, you may want a new job, to work out, what ever it is. Think about this, and and truly see if this is the best time for change. If you decide to , then be kind to yourself, change will take time and you will fail. But that failure should not be the end but just a stepping stone toward your goal. Don't buy into the pressure. Know that change takes time. Allow yourself to fail but return. Maybe just focus on what you think should change. Take baby steps. Again, change takes time. Be reasonable. Happy New year and be safe! Happy 2014.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Free Speech

Maybe because before I became a therapist, I acquired an undergraduate degree in political science, I find that this country has a poor understanding of Free Speech. Last incident I am aware of is what those Duck Dynasty characters said about homosexuality. This is just the recent of many nasty ccomments made about other's race, sexual orientatation, etc. Our forefathers never intended for Americans to stand in a street corner or the exquivalnet, today's internet, and shoot off negative comments to other Americans. I clearly remember when I studied constitutional law, that there ARE limits to free speech. Free speech is not the same as diarhea of the mouth. There are limits as in "responsibilities" such as you do not yell "FIRE" in a crowded movie theather just because... It is obvious that this country needs a lesson in civics. Perhaps we need to turn off reality tv and read government and history books. There is a huge "brain drain" in the making in this country.