Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Handling evil

This nation was attacked by evil on Monday. Innocent people and an entire nation have been affected by senseless evil on Monday. Now, it is important to understand that evil is not an ethnic nation, a culture, a color, a religion and it is not owned by a particular entity. Once we learn who was behind this senseless act we must remember not to persecute, attack or in any way judge other members of whatever ethnic, or religious group this person may appear to belong to. Evil lives and is attached to whomever subscribes to it's beliefs. Not all people including family members of the suspect(s) are responsible for what this individual has done. Many times when the person responsible for such crimes/ evil as experienced on Monday are found , other individuals have been known to hurt businesses of people that have a similair ethnic group to the accused. This happens more frequently if they are a "foreigners". I believe that two wrongs have never made a right. We can not judge all people by the actions of a few.