Thursday, February 28, 2019

A lesson from the Cohen , Trump situation.

This is not political. That being said let's explore what can be learned from this situation that our children are exposed to on a regular basis. By the way, don't think they don't know. I have had children tell me their thoughts about what they have some how become aware of with out any prompting.

So as I write this, the question plastered in the media today is, " who do you believe?"
That reminds me of the story of the boy that cried wolf. He lied and lied and one day he told the truth and no one believed him. This situation is a teachable moment for parents to work with their kids on the consequences of lying.

You don't have to get political. You can discuss how here is someone speaking and because he has lied in the past, others are having a very difficult time believing him and he may just be telling the truth but no one is comfortable believing him.

Children learn from example, and that example is, parents, teachers and all adults they are exposed to. Obviously parents need to work on being truthful but also talk through experiences where others, especially other adults, are not being honest. Children are like sponges and yes, the community including extended family and media play a role. Plan on talking to your kids this weekend.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

So I think I am back.

Technology is not my friend! I keep saying that. I think I am back up. Ugh.
Hoping this works. It's a change from the last name- long story with Google and the " gift card" for payment. Like no, that sounds like a scam. So in the process I was lost for over a year! I was not paying Google with a gift card.
Will be back soon!